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Display name: Peter Webley
Title: Research Professor
Phone Numbers:
phone (907) 474-1542
place 2156 Koyukuk Drive, Fairbanks, AK, 99775
mail P.O. Box 757320
Given name: Peter
Surname: Webley
Principal name:
Expertise: Passion for business development and technology transfer from an academic environment into the private sector. Support and advise UAF's innovators and entrepreneurs along with their Office on providing resources, programs and initiatives to build an innovative culture at UAF. Part of the Center for Innovation, Commercialization, and Entrepreneurship. Manage its Seed Fund, run the summer-based Students to Startups internship program, as well as being the lead point of contact for the NSF supported I-Corp site program. Research interests include volcanic ash cloud modeling, use of unmanned aircraft systems for geoscience applications, connecting emergency managers with real-time remote sensing data, developing decision support tools, real-time monitoring of volcanic activity, and remote sensing of volcanic processes. My aim is to provide tools and products for hazard assessment and risk mitigation.
Campus: UAF - Main Campus
Affiliation: faculty / employee
Primary Affiliation: UAF