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Display name: Srijan Aggarwal
Title: Professor
Phone Numbers:
phone (907) 474-6120
place 1764 Tanana Loop, Fairbanks, AK, 99775
Given name: Srijan
Surname: Aggarwal
Principal name:
Expertise: Srijan Aggarwal is a Professor in the Civil, Geological, and Environmental Engineering department at the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) since 2013. His specialty area is environmental engineering and his research focuses on topics ranging from development of water treatment technologies for removal of emerging contaminants, biofilms and pathogens in drinking water, Arctic water quality issues, biological remediation and/or resource recovery from waste materials, evaluation of oil spill response chemicals in the Arctic, and particulate impacts on outdoor/indoor air quality in cold regions. His research was recognized with the National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER award in 2018, and by a National Academies early-career fellowship also in 2018. Over the years Srijan has received funding support for his research program at UAF from numerous sources including federal and state agencies, as well as industry partners.
Campus: UAF - Main Campus
Affiliation: faculty / employee
Primary Affiliation: UAF