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Display name: Heidi Rader
Title: Professor of Extension
Phone Numbers:
phone (907) 452-8251
place 1751 Tanana Loop, Fairbanks, AK, 99775
mail PO Box 756180
Given name: Heidi
Surname: Rader
Principal name:
Expertise: Heidi Rader directs the Alaska Tribes Extension Program which promotes food sovereignty and security throughout Alaska. She teaches virtual and hands-on workshops on health, wellness, food, and gardening. She partners with Tribes and Traditional Knowledge Holders to offer Tribally driven outreach. She has filmed more than 60 videos for the In the Alaska Garden with Heidi Rader series and writes the blog, It Grows in Alaska. She teaches Growing a Productive, Sustainable Garden in Alaska. She is a governing board member of the Alaska Food Policy Council.
Campus: UAF - Main Campus
Affiliation: faculty / employee
Primary Affiliation: UAF