Display name:
Community and Technical College
Unit alias:
UAF Community and Technical College
Phone Numbers:
(907) 455-2800
(907) 455-2864
Community and Technical College Center (CTCC)
604 Barnette Street, Fairbanks, AK, 99701
PO Box 758040
UAF Tanana Valley Campus
Unit head:
person Janejira Smith
group TV Voc Tech
group UAF CTC Other Instruction
group UAF CTC Process Technology
group Northern Military Programs, CTC
group Social & Human Development, UAF CTC
group UAF CTC Industrial Maint & Transp
group UAF CTC Arts & Letters
group UAF CTC Culinary Arts & Hospitality
group UAF CTC Constr Mgmt & Drafting Tech
group CTC Associate Dean
group UAF CTC Aviation & Trade Tech
group UAF CTC Emergncy Svcs & Pblc Safety
group UAF CTC Computer & Info Tech Sys
group Fire Science
group Bunnell House Early Childhood Lab School, CTC
group CTC General Ed
group UAF CTC Applied Bus, Paralegal & Accounting
group UAF CTC Development Ed & CIS Math
group UAF CTC Grants
group Delta Career Advancement Center
group UAF CTC Administrative Support
group Academic Programs, CTC
person Charles Dexter, Professor of Applied Business
person Yvonne Maddux, Special Projects
person Kevin Alexander, Professor & Director of Aviation Programs
person Nicki Stewart
person Jolie Phillips, Student and Enrollment Services Coordinator
person Ed Husted, Professor of Paralegal Studies
person Keith Swarner, Associate Professor, Computer & IT Services
person Jean Heusinkveld, Associate Professor Emerita
person John George, Professor of Fire Science
person Andreas Anger, Professor
person Ivan Gallagher, Systems Technician
person Cathleen Winfree, Professor
person Alene Porche
person Roger Weggel, Assistant Professor
person Galen Johnson, CM Professor Emeritus
person Pammy Fowler, Teacher
person Dusty Johnson, Coordinator
person Mark Young, Assistant Professor of Applied Business