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Display name: Javier Fochesatto
Title: Professor and Chair Department of Atmospheric Sciences
Phone Numbers:
phone (907) 474-7602
place 2156 Koyukuk Drive, Fairbanks, AK, 99775
mail 2156 Koyukuk Drive
Given name: Javier
Surname: Fochesatto
Principal name:
Expertise: Surface-Atmosphere Interaction. Land-Atmospheric Coupling across scales from Micrometeorology-Atmospheric Boundary Layer to Regional Scales. Atmospheric turbulence. Observational research in complex heterogeneous terrain Boreal forest, Artic Tundra, Agro-ecosystems and Glaciers. Laser Scintillometry, Eddy-covariance, Lidar Research and Laser Raman and IR spectroscopy of ABL, clouds and aerosols. Satellite Remote Sensing for PBL determination and for surface fluxes retrievals.
Campus: UAF - Main Campus
Affiliation: faculty / employee
Primary Affiliation: UAF